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Your Vision Our Focus

Boost your business with on-demand design, opt-out anytime.

See Plans
Project WhiskList ImageScreenshot of GoEats projectProject AutLux ImageScreenshot of Futurisk project
Screenshot of Mendio project

Subscription Advantages

Where your creative ideas meet cost-effective expertise.

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Unlimited Requests

Enroll in a plan - unleash endless design possibilities.

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Fixed Monthly Rate

We dont play hide and seek with costs - same price each month.

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Super Fast Delivery

Realize your vision one request at a time - in just days.

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Superior Designs

Artistry in design - backed by solid skill mastery.

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Private Design Board

Your board, your playground – add all the design request you want.

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Flexible & Scalable

Your focus – scale effortlessly, pause or change course anytime.

See All Our Services

Diverse design solutions, one convenient place.

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Designing digital journeys that delight.

User Centric
Site Maps
User Flows
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Seamless sites, sculpted in Webflow.

Web Forms
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Distinctive brands, definitive results.

Social Assets
Style Guides
Brand Assets
Print Design

Recent Designs

Sample the visuals, from imagination to realization.

View Samples
ChatApp project mockup image
Mockup Image for project AutLux
Grandly project mockup image
Project WhiskList mockup image

Here's How It Works

Idea. Design. Deliver. The evolution of our work.

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Subscribe to a plan & request as many designs as you'd like.

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Receive designs within a few days on average, Monday to Friday.

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We'll revise the designs until you're 100% satisfied.

Simple Pricing For Everyone

Clearly priced, clearly visioned.

One request at a time. Pause or cancel anytime.
What’s included:
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One request at a time
Black checkmark icon.
Average 2-3 day delivery
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Unlimited requests
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Unlimited brands
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Unlimited users
Black checkmark icon.
Easy credit-card payments
Black checkmark icon.
Pause or cancel anytime
most popular
Webflow Development
Get a better website faster with Webflow development. Requires a design subscription.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sharpening the focus on common curiosities.

Why wouldn't I just hire a full-time designer?

White Plus sign icon.
Hiring a senior designer full-time can cost over $100,000 annually, not counting benefits—and that's if you can find one available. There's also the challenge of potentially inconsistent workloads.

With our monthly plan, you have the flexibility to pause and resume, ensuring you're paying only when you have actual design tasks at hand.

Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?

White Plus sign icon.
Once subscribed, you're able to add as many design requests to your queue as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one.

How fast will I receive my designs?

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On average, most requests are completed in just two to three days. However, more complex requests can take longer.

Who are the designers?

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This may be surprising, but Designeyed is actually an agency of one.
This means you'll work directly with me, Greg, founder of Designeyed.

How does the pause feature work?

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We understand you may not have enough design work to fill up entire month. Perhaps you only have one or two design requests at the moment.

That's where pausing your subscription comes in handy.

Billing cycles are based on 31 day period. Let's say you sign up and use the service for 21 days, and then decide to pause your subscription. This means that the billing cycle will be paused and you'll have 10 days of service remaining to be used anytime in the future.

What programs do you design in?

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Most requests are designed using Figma and other supportive design software such as Adobe Creative Cloud.

How do I request designs?

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Designeyed offers a ton of flexibility in how you request designs in Trello.

Some common ways clients request designs is directly via Trello, sharing Google docs or wireframes, or even recording a brief Loom video (for those who prefer not to write their briefs out).

Basically, if it can be linked to, or shared in Trello, it's fair game.

What if I don't like the design?

White Plus sign icon.
No worries! We'll continue to revise the design until you're 100% satisfied.

What if I only have a single request?

White Plus sign icon.
That's fine. You can pause your subscription when finished and return when you have additional design needs. There's no need to let the remainder of your subscription go to waste.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

White Plus sign icon.
Due to the high quality nature of the work, there will be no refunds issued.